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I think the West really is collapsing and I think I know why

Writer's picture: Mr MoscoviumMr Moscovium

Updated: 2 days ago

I read an article by Ed West in the Spectator about 'Why Britain isn't standing up for Canada' and it really resonated with me. I think Ed has hit on something very profound here that applies to all the Western nations and as it plays out I think we are now actually seeing the end of the Western hegemony.

How and why it all initially started will be debated by smarter fellows than I many years into the future but the ties that bind us together within our own countries are the same ties that bind us together as nations. And these ties are being broken at an accelerating rate, one leading to another.

In the Yoo-Kay, I am watching this in real-time. We are being gaslit with the phrase 'Diversity is our strength' when everyone can see that is in fact completely the opposite. The Government and the intelligentsia have to keep pumping out this narrative as their legitimacy to govern fades. It is quite clear that our society is collapsing under the influx of mass immigration and ultra left-wing socially progressive policies. I live in London and as I look around I see less and less people that look like me, dress like me and I strongly suspect, think like me. I have nothing in common with these people except that I share a space with them. I think a lot of people feel the same.

We have already transitioned from a high trust society into a medium to low trust trust society. We are not at South African levels yet but we have set a fine course. As the social contract between people, society and Government continues to facture, we are continually inclined to look only to ourselves, our families, friends and our peer groups for support and trust. We have less and less compunction to trust anyone outside them and by extension, as a nation we have less incentive to trust and to care for our kin in other countries.

This is now manifesting itself with America's attitude towards Europe and even the UK with our traditional (laughable) 'Special Relationship'. JD Vance visited Germany recently, gave the Europeans a well deserved lecture on their failing societies and told them to 'man up' and get their houses in order. He has been vilified as a barbarian ever since. The irony is that the Europeans are already finding out what it is like to live with barbarians - there was a terrorist attack the day before he arrived and another since, so, so far they have had three major incidents and its only March.

The Americans come to Europe and see a continent with people that don't look like them anymore, don't share their values and seem to have no will to address either issue. Chances of them getting into another war to save Europe? Less and less likely. It's a foreign continent, why stump up billions of dollars for the protection of an increasingly unreliable ally? One that has increasing numbers of Muslims that now vote to change their foreign policy - generally not in line with that of America's.

Similarly, we look over the pond at Canada and see Sikhs fighting in the streets with Hindus, banging on about some place called Khalistan. I have no idea where it is but I am damned sure its not in Canada. Those combatants don't look like Canadians, don't act like (traditional?) Canadians and don't sound like Canadians, so am I going over top for those guys in some ethnic turf war they have embroiled themselves in? Not a chance. Although, I am far to old to even get over the top now even if compelled to.

And so it goes on. The Western countries are unravelling into tribes. Next comes balkanization, tribal warfare, ethnic, political and civil breakdown.

Basically, if you can't look after yourself, you are in no position look after anyone else.



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