You don't have to read a lot of history to see that this guy is a classic 20th Century tyrant. Days after the idiotic interview with Tucker Carlson he murdered Alexey Navlany. Probably an accident with the timing of it but this guy couldn't give a shit.
If you want an insight into what it is like to live in Russia and how the Ukraine war is being conducted better start following this guy Jake Broe.
He is a smart guy and under no illusions of what Putin is capable of. Despite what Tucker Carlson thinks of their supermarkets (they still look shit to me and this guy has a very good take on it), the Russians are living under tyranny. Just look what is happening to Ksenia Karelina a dual Russian-American citizen. It is likely she will spend the rest of her life in jail for sending $50 to a Ukranian charity or the arrest of journalists gathering for the murder of Navlan and citizens protesting.
Putin can and will do whatever he wants, for the moment only inside Russia.
Here is an interesting article about the Russian war economy in 2024. 40% of the rising GDP is now going to the war effort. The interesting thing is that they even if they win the war in Ukraine they won't be able to govern or rebuild it. The premise is that Russia's economy is wrecked. Maybe it is now, maybe it will be more so in the future but this makes it all the more likely that if Putin wins he will be even more dangerous. He will be desperate for cash and resources. Easiest thing to do then when you have a massive surplus of war machinery and battle hardened soldiers is make sure they don't come home so their PTSD can settle in and cause domestic uprisings.
The solution will be to find some more war. If he wins the war in the Ukraine he will attack the Baltic states like Tuesday follows Monday. The lies he tells are the same lies we have heard from tyrants throughout time. Putin lies like the last World War instigator maniac Adolf Hitler and he's using the same playbook.
Keep in mind that this one man has started a war that has so far resulted in 1/2 a million people being killed. He cares not a jot.
I can see the perspective of the American Republicans, Trump and Tucker Carlson. Why should they keep paying tax payers dollars to keep Europe safe? I think it is an incredibly short-sighted position to take that if played out would almost certainly bring about a rapid end to American dominance should Europe ever go to war with Russia without the USA.
But whatever they may or may not do, Europe and the UK needs to man up and do it quickly. Putin will not attack if he knows he will lose but he absolutely will attack if he thinks we are weak and I think at this point his calculations are probably correct. We are so weak and divided, I think if he defeats the Ukraine and attacks the Baltic states, Europe would probably make a token effort of resistance, accept the loss of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania and look to appease as soon as possible to avoid a larger conflict over Finland and Poland (where I think the resolve to actually get into WW3 lies for Europe).
This would have catastrophic repercussions for the global balance of power, mark the turning point in Western civilization supremacy and relegate democracy to a historical experiment. If you take a run at the big guy and score some hits on him the rest of the gang will pile in and take you down to China town.
We have got one chance here to save ourselves. We re-arm Europe. We re-arm in a massive way and use what industrial capacity we have left to make shells, drones, tanks, ships, aircraft, howitzers, rockets, recruit and train people into the armed forces. And we give everything we possibly can give to help Ukraine to defeat this invasion.
Anything less than this we are finished and we should should be thoroughly ashamed and disgusted with ourselves for failing our ancestors and allowing the destruction of the west on our watch.
"In England they're filled with curiosity and keep asking: "Why doesn't he come?' Be calm. He's coming! He's coming!" Adolf Hitler 1940 (and maybe Vladimir Putin 2024).