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Writer's pictureMr Moscovium

Radical Islam in the UK will be the undoing of our way of life

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

The rise of Islamism in the UK is an existential threat to the liberal democracy of the United Kingdom. It is currently unchecked and unchallenged by the mainstream media and the Government but in my opinion it has established a fifth column in the UK and as a movement it seeks to undermine our democracy and fundamentally change our way of life to comply with Islamic 'law'.

I am not saying that all Muslims have this agenda. I live in London and I know many Muslims. Pretty much all of them are the same as me, they just want to get on with their lives, be left alone to look after their families with minimal interference from the state and in many cases the church or mosque or anyone else who seeks to tell them how to live their lives.

I am not talking about them but I am talking about the organized groups of fundamental Islamists that have an agenda. That agenda is to install Sharia Law in the UK, to fly the Islamic flag of Jihad above the House of Commons and to subjugate all British citizens under Islam.

We are seeing this begin with the pressure to legislate for a new blasphemy law, something that we managed to get rid of only in 2008 but is now is tacitly enforced through intimidation in the UK. Its not just me saying that, many people have discussed this, even onlookers from other countries. Read the report from the Times of India.

The method by which they are achieving this aim (and at the moment successfully) is to use multiculturalism, racism and diversity as a Trojan horse to grab power whenever they see an opportunity. To relentlessly chip away at the law to favour their cause, they are using a well versed playbook written by autocrats, demagogues and fascists to undermine our society and secure power over it.

It goes something like this;

Spot an opportunity in the law, for example, expression of religious freedom.

Create a grievance and bring it to public attention.

Whip up some controversy and 'hurt', send in the bully boys to offer an extreme solution.

Then employ some 'moderates' to offer a 'reasonable compromise' to quell the grievance and make it go away.

The result is that you have inched a little further to your goal and established a platform and a benchmark for your next opportunity.

This is a well established theory, I am not inventing it. Have a look here: The Authoritarian Playbook.

The really devious part here, the reason that it is so hard to address and call out in the mainstream media is because it is hiding right inside the battering ram of Religion and Race. And so in our society it cannot be questioned by anyone unless that person is prepared to called a 'racist' or 'right wing extremist'.

Anyone labelled a racist can easily be dismissed and their views boxed off, taped up with a big fat label that says 'Nazi'. They have nothing offer and they must not be listened to, they must not be allowed a platform to spread their message of 'hate'. It is the ultimate way (in polite society) of silencing a dissenter.

Better still. Make up a nice easy word like 'Islamophobia', an oxymoron if ever there were because we should all be 'Islamophobes' - scared of Islam or more specifically Islamists. Now you can shut down any nuance of thought, conversation and discussion by labelling someone an 'Islamophobe'.

I shall discuss this, my theories on the fifth column and my evidence for it in a subsequent post, this one is already too long but it seems to me that the general population and the mainstream media are struggling to articulate and squirming to make the discussion that needs to be had about what they know to be happening.

But it is being discussed among trusted parties and recognized for what it is in homes, workplaces and pubs up and down the land.

Fanatical Islamists are driving forward with their agenda, the loudest voices in the Muslim communities who are either too afraid to disown them or perhaps even tacitly agree with their actions because there is some evidence for this statement. This is worth a read: What Muslims really think, a survey conducted by Channel 4, hardly a right wing organisation.

We can see it with our own eyes, the evidence for it is around us and in the news every day.

I will give you three examples of the many thousands that have occurred in recent times in the fields of politics, society and education.

In politics, just yesterday we have Mike Freer MP bullied and intimidated out of his constituency by radical islamists and their threats, MPs requesting protection and wearing stab vests in their surgeries, David Amess, the British MP murdered by Islamist, even Angela Raynor currently shadow deputy Prime Minister fears for her safety from pro-Palestine activists.

In general society look at Speaker's Corner. It used be a place for the nut-bags to lecture and elaborate on a myriad of grievances and topics, now it is pretty much limited to theological discussions (arguments) by a mob of Muslims, a high percentage I suspect of those being Islamists (certainly from my experience from attending every month), a smattering of Christians, some Jews and a tiny amount of atheists.

It has become considerably more aggressive. Take the case of Hatun Tash who was slashed in face at Speakers Corner.

Pretty much caught on camera.

and even more recently a plot to murder her was foiled by the Counter Terrorist Police (hats off to these guys, considering the amount of threats they are dealing with they really are doing an incredible job).

This is woman is an apostate, a convert to Christianity and she wears Charlie Hebdo T-shirts, so according to the Islamists this makes her fair game and warrants her death. This is insane.

In education, regard the ridiculous situation in Batley where a teacher who showed a picture of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad was immediately suspended and the school was descended upon by a masked-up mob of Muslims, most of whom seem to be far too old to actually have any children in the school and is still in hiding 2 years later from Islamists who have threatened to kill him and his family. Even more galling was the cowardice of the School Head, Chris Kibble who issued a grovelling apology. What a lettuce.

What kind of childish, brittle, medieval philosophy would stir up fully grown adults living in the UK to behave in these ways?

In my opinion it is because the establishment has failed to address the toxic aspects of Islamism, failed to enforce our liberal principals, failed to deter Islamists from arriving onto our shores to live among us, failed to integrate them into society when they have arrived, failed to deport them when it is is clear they present a danger to us, failed to challenge those Islamists who have been born here and are British Citizens, allowed incitement to violence to go unprosecuted and when the subsequent violence has been committed not been committed enough to not only bring the perpetrators to justice but to ensure that the law is enforced to its fullest extent thereby demonstrating that these warped ideas, toxic philosophies, and wicked acts will not be tolerated in the UK.

I speak to a lot of different people every day. At school, at work, in my social groups, in my daily interactions and my travels around London.

People are scared.

They are fearful of this rise in intolerance, they are frightened that no-one is addressing it, they don't trust the authorities to take their side in any incident or altercation involving Islam.

They feel vulnerable.

They know that there is a sinister mob of Islamists - and a lot of them everywhere, ready to threaten, intimidate and even to kill if they make their feelings known - and they know that those in authority, those who should have the power to resist are scared too.

In my lifetime (and I am getting on) I cannot ever remember a threat as serious and sinister as this to our way of life. Looking back through the recent history of the two World Wars, they were external threats. This is coming from within, like a cancer eating us from the inside.

I'm no sage but it seems to me this situation is coming to a head. We are missing every opportunity to stop this, we have done for a long time, we continue to do so and we are losing control of the situation.

Either there is a political avenue for the people to explore a robust solution to this menace or the people will start to look for radical ones.

There are dark clouds descending over our society. I fear for my children. You should too.

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