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Writer's pictureMr Moscovium

The riots on Southport maybe just the beginning

Updated: Aug 12, 2024

Three little girls murdered at a club in Southport and six more with life threatening injuries. I cannot remember a news story making me as angry as this. Ever. Maybe it is because I have sent my children to clubs like this many times and to think that this could happen to them makes me literally bite my fingers. I feel rage. I don't live anywhere near Southport but I know that this could happen anywhere in the UK and it could happen any day. I can't bring myself to imagine how the parents feel, I just cannot do it.

A lot of people feel the same way as I do. The sneering middle classes, the media, the Guardian readers, the Government - they will all blame those rioters for this mess in Southport. The media are already calling them 'Far Right', racist thugs and yobbos. Sure, there will be plenty of those in there, there are always people attracted to chaos above all else but there are a lot of ordinary citizens with families there too.

This riot a totally predicable reaction. I don't think it is the right reaction. I never see the point in smashing your own streets up or beating up your own police. But to blame this on the 'far right' is totally disingenuous, utterly ludicrous and very, very dangerous.

The blame for this riot falls squarely on the establishment. A media blackout on the perpetrator, an information vacuum has driven online speculation. Maybe its an immigrant, maybe its a muslim, that people suspect it is either is because statistically it is more likely to be either than not.

Mass, uncontrolled immigration is at the heart of this issue.

The people have used the democratic process to instruct the Government on its immigration policy for the last 20 years. They have been ignored and gaslit, they have been called racists and facists. Terms such as 'Critical Theory' have been applied to everything from race and immigration to colonialism.

All people and especially the people of Southport know that no-one is listening to them, no matter how they vote, the immigrants come. The streets change, the language changes, the culture erodes, the crime increases. There is a palpable sense that we are losing something, that we are losing a battle, that we are losing ourselves.

We all feel it. We know this to be true.

Almost everyone I know hates the boats and those that do hate them more passionately every day. They are a focal point for everything that is wrong with the country. We all know these are not refugees. We are tired of being lied to about it. We don't want to be forced to give up our money, our hospital beds and our homes to these people. These people from places we don't want them to come from.

Its not because we are racists and intolerant. It's because we are not racists and we are not intolerant. We know how to live with other races, we have been doing it for sixty years. But these are people from new cultures, they are not even the best people from those cultures and there are too many of them for us to cope. We see with out own eyes the effects that these people have on our society. They sow division, they heighten racial tensions, they bring disorder, chaos and danger to our country.

We don't want these people.

We keep telling the government this, they will not listen.

And now we are expected to watch them murder our children? This will not stand. No society that has ever existed would accept this.

Maybe now we are awakening. We are discovering and truly understanding that in fact there is no democracy here. Whatever we do, whichever way we vote, not only does it not change, it just gets worse. We are being told to watch from the sidelines, to stand down as our culture is destroyed before our eyes, as our towns become unrecognizable to us, as our streets become violent, as our wives and daughters are threatened, raped and murdered. We watch as the Islamists act with impunity, as they are released on bail for attacking airport police and then cry racism. We see police run from immigrants and muslims but tool up and batter ordinary British citizens. We see that that there is two tier governance. Two ways of governing and policing depending on which group you are from.

As English people, as British people this goes against everything we believe in. If we had but one word to describe the British people it would be 'fairness'.

That is what we have always known. That is what we have always been known for. An innate understanding of what is wrong and what is right. What is fair and what is unjust.

We demand the same treatment for one and all in all matters of state interaction, regardless of power, location, colour, creed, religion, gender, sexuality, status or education. It is fundamentally at the core of who we are. It is what has held us together for so long.

And now we are seeing that this society is not fair. That some groups are held above others.

The consequences of these Government policies are accelerating in frequency and viciousness. I expect this to get worse. I expect we will have a lot more riots in many cities across the UK. I don't think this is the way to go, it will galvanize the media and make easy targets for their narrative.

The people from all cities and towns should demonstrate in the capital. This is where the laws are made, this is where change has to begin. A mass protest by millions of people. A new kind of protest where millions of people arrive in London and just sit down and remain silent. The silence of the masses. We will not talk to you, we will not move, we will not do anything until the government listens to the people. That would be really something very powerful.

However this plays out, I just prey that this is the beginning of a fight back and not the last hurrah of an extinguishing culture.

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